Research & publications
Ph.D. Sc (Econ) Inger Roos has done extensive research within her fields of interest, both at Hanken School of Economics, Finland and at Karlstad University, Sweden.
The publications of Inger Roos are interesting reading for students, researchers, business owners and professionals in marketing, business development etc.
Some of the publications, that are listed here, can be downloaded from this site by clicking on the blue link.
Journal of Marketing
JM published an article on the trigger function in 2005. It is a rare experience for researchers in the Nordic countries to have their work published in this journal.
Gustafsson, Anders, Michael D. Johnson and Inger Roos (2005) “The Effects of Customer Satisfaction, Relationship Commitment Dimensions and Triggers on Customer Retention,” Journal of Marketing, Volume 69, Number 4 (October) CRM Special Section, 210-218.
MSQ published more recently the insight of the importance between knowing the difference between active and passive customers in order to achieve stability in the company databases.
Roos, Inger and Anders Gustafsson (2011), "The Influence of Active and Passive Customer Behaviour on Switching in Customer Relationships", Managing Service Quality (MSQ), Vol. 21 No.5, pp. 448-464. Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012.
Book (in swedish): Lojala kunder - Fånga potentialen mellan kundmötena
Att förstå och utveckla sina kundrelationer på bästa sätt är en av företagets viktigaste konkurrensfördelar. Men det är inte bara kundrelationen i sig som ska analyseras och vårdas – en allt viktigare faktor är hur man hanterar tiden mellan kundmötena.
1. National and International Marketing Journals
Roos, Inger (1999), “Switching Processes in Customer Relationships,” Journal of Service Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, August 1999, pp. 376-393.
Roos, Inger (1999), “Bytesprocesser i kundrelationer,” Journal of the Economic Society of Finland, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 155-159.
Roos, Inger (2001), “Företagsledaren – en länk i en dynamisk marknadsföringsfunktion,” The Journal of the Economic Society of Finland, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 85-92.
Edvardsson Bo and Inger Roos (2001), “Critical Incident Techniques-Towards a framework for analysing the criticality of critical incidents,” International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 251-268.
Liljander Veronica and Inger Roos (2002), “Customer Relationship Levels-From Spurious to True Relationships,” Journal of Service Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 593-614.
Roos, Inger (2002), “Methods of Investigating Critical Incidents: A Comparative Review,” Journal of Service Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, February, pp. 193-204.
Edvardsson Bo and Inger Roos (2003), “Customer Complaints and Switching Behavior- A Study of Relationship Dynamics in a Telecommunication Company,” Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2, (1/2), 43-68.
Roos, Inger, Bo Edvardsson and Anders Gustafsson (2004), “Customer Switching Patterns in Competitive and Non-Competitive Service Industries,” Journal of Service Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 256-271.
Gustafsson Anders, Inger Roos and Bo Edvardsson (2004), “Customer Club in a Relationship Perspective-a Telecom Case,” International Journal Managing Service Quality, Vol. 14, No 2/3, pp. 157-168.
Gustafsson, Anders, Michael D. Johnson and Inger Roos (2005) “The Effects of Customer Satisfaction, Relationship Commitment Dimensions and Triggers on Customer Retention,” Journal of Marketing, Volume 69, Number 4 (October) CRM Special Section, 210-218.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson and Bo Edvardsson (2005), “The Role of Customer Clubs in Recent Telecom Relationships,” International Journal of Service Industry Management 16 (5), 436-454.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson and Inger Roos (2005), "Service Portraits in Service Research - A Critical Review," International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16 (1), 107-121.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson and Bo Edvardsson (2006), “Defining Service Quality for Customer-Driven Business Development - a Housing-Mortgage Company Case,” A Special Issue of The International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 207-223.
Roos, Inger and Anders Gustafsson (2007), "Understanding Frequent Switching Patterns - a Crucial Element in Managing Customer Relationships,” Journal of Service Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 93-108.
Roos, Inger, Margareta Friman and Bo Edvardsson (2008), “Emotional Experiences in Customer Relationships – a Telecommunication Study,” The International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2008. pp. 281-301.
Roos Inger and Bo Edvardsson (2008), “Customer-support Service in the Relationship Perspective,” Managing Service Quality (MSQ), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 87-107.
Roos, Inger, Margareta Friman and Bo Edvardsson (2009), “Emotions and Stability in Telecom-customer Relationships”, Special Issue based on Award winner Servsig 2008, Liverpool, The International Journal of Service Industry Management, 20 (2),192-208.
Roos Inger, Anders Gustafsson, Bo Edvardsson and Peter Landmark (2010). “Should we Differentiate between Business and Private Customers?” Management Research and Practice, Vol. 2 Issue 2, pp. 1-13.
Roos, Inger and Anders Gustafsson (2011), "The Influence of Active and Passive Customer Behaviour on Switching in Customer Relationships", Managing Service Quality (MSQ), Vol. 21 No.5, pp. 448-464, Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012.
Wägar, Karolina, Inger Roos, Annika Ravald and Bo Edvardsson (2012), “My Customers Are in my Blind Spot: Are They Changing and I Can’t See It?, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 150-165.
Roos, Inger, Martin Löfgren and Bo Edvardsson (2013), “Customer-support Service from a Relationship Perspective - Best Practice for Telecom", Management Research and Practice Journal (MRP), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 5-21.
Selos Erno, Teemu Laine, Inger Roos, Petri Suomala and Lauri Pitkänen, (2013), "Applying SPAT for understanding B-to-B supplier switching processes", Managing Service Quality (MSQ), Vol.23, Issue 4, pp. 321-340.
Skarin, Frida, Lars E. Olsson, Inger Roos and Margareta Friman ((2017), “The Household as an Instrumental and Affective Trigger in Intervention Programs for Travel Behavior Change”. Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol 6, pp. 83-89.
2. Conferences
Roos, Inger and Sören Kock (1995), “Customers’ Total Perceived Service Quality - A Longitudinal Approach,” Proceedings from EIASM, Quality Management in Services V, Tilburg 10-12 Maj 1995.
Roos, Inger and Tore Strandvik (1997), “Diagnosing the Termination of Customer Relationships,” Three American Marketing Association Special Conferences, Relationship Marketing, Dublin, Ireland, 12-15 June 1997, pp. 617-631.
Roos, Inger (1997), “CPAT (Critical Path Analysis Technique),” Poster Session at The Services Marketing Doctoral Student/New Faculty Consortium at the Sixth Annual Frontiers in Services Conference, Nashville TN, USA, October 1-2 1997, organized by the Center for Service Marketing at Vanderbilt University and the American Marketing Association, Marketing Management Division.
Roos, Inger (1999), “A Switching Perspective on Involvement, Commitment and Complaining Behaviour,” The Eight Annual Conference Frontiers in Service Conference, USA, Nashville TN, October 21-23, 1999, organized by the Center for Service Marketing at Vanderbilt University and the American Marketing Association, Marketing Management Division.
Liljander, Veronica and Inger Roos (2000), “Two strategies and Their Effect on Consumer Trust, Satisfaction and Commitment,” 10th Workshop on Quality Management in Services, Aston University, Birmingham, U.K., May 17-19, 2000.
Roos, Inger and Christian Grönroos (2000); “The Service Quality Path: A Longitudinal Service Quality Study with Implications for Image and Relationship marketing,” Quality in Services (QUIS) The Seventh International Research Symposium On Service Quality, June, 13th – 16th , 2000, Service Research Center – CTF, Karlstad University, Sweden.
Bo Edvardsson and Inger Roos (2000), “Customer Complaints and Switching Behavior – A Study of relationship dynamics in a telecommunication company,” 8th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Stockholm University School of Business and The Marketing Technology Center (MTC), Stockholm, Sweden, December 6-9, 2000.
Liljander, Veronica and Inger Roos (2001), “Customer Relationship Levels – From Spurious to True Relationships,” Conférence Internationale sur le Management des Services, 22-23 Mars 2001, Largo Conference, Angers, France.
Roos, Inger (2001), “SPAT-Switching Path Analysis Technique”, included in a special session on switching behavior, “Emerging Issues in Service Switching Research”, Servsig 2001-New Horizons in Services marketing, The American Marketing Association’s Services Marketing Special Interest Group Conference, Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Sydney, Australia, 26-28 May 2001.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson och Inger Roos (2002), “Understanding the Customers’ Maturity Process–A telecommunication case,” QUALITY IN SERVICES (QUIS 8), The Eighth International Research Symposium on Service Quality, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 11-14, 2002.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson and Inger Roos (2002), “Comparing Switching Patterns in Competitive and Non-competitive Markets–Customer Preferences and Behavior in Five Service Industries,” 11th Annual AMA Frontiers in Services Conference June 27-29, 2002, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson och Inger Roos (2002), ”The Effect of Triggers in Customer Relationships,” Marketing Track of Decision Sciences Institute, 33rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 23-26 November 2002.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson and Inger Roos (2003), “Customer Clubs in Telecommunications,” Popping Corks on New Service Paradigms, 2003 AMA SERVSIG Service Research Conference, June 12-14, Reims Management School, Reims, France.
Gustafsson, Anders, Michael Johnson and Inger Roos (2003), “Managing Customer Satisfaction, Brand Image, and Strength of Relationship across Switching Paths,” 12th Annual Frontiers In Services Conference Washington DC., October 23-26, 2003.
Taylor, A. Gail, Lawrence Hamer and Inger Roos (2004), “Customer Reactions to Involuntary Switching,” QUALITY IN SERVICES (QUIS 9), The Ninth International Research Symposium on Service Quality, Karlstad, Sweden, June 15-18, 2004.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson and Bo Edvardsson, (2004) “The Role of Customer Clubs in Recent Telecom Relationships,” QUALITY IN SERVICES (QUIS 9), The Ninth International Research Symposium on Service Quality, Karlstad, Sweden, June 15-18, 2004.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson and Inger Roos (2004), “Service Portrays and Service Constructions – A Critical Review Through the Lens of the Customer,” 13th Frontiers in Services, October 28-31, Miami, USA.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson and Bo Edvardsson (2005), “Defining Service Quality for Customer-Driven Business Development - a Housing-Mortgage Company Case,” SERVSIG Research Conference Singapore, June 2-4.
Roos, Inger and Anders Gustafsson (2005), “Deepening the Understanding of Switching Paths - Redefining the Influential Trigger,” 14th Frontiers in Services, October 6-9, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
Roos, Inger, Margareta Friman and Bo Edvardsson (2006), ”Perceived Affective Feelings in Service Relationships: A Study of Triggers in Switching Processes,” The 9th International Research Seminar in Service Management,” May 30-31 June 1-2, La Londe, France.
Roos, Inger, Margareta Friman and Bo Edvardsson (2006), ”Perceived Affective Feelings in Service Relationships: A Study of Triggers in Switching Processes,” 15th Frontiers in Services, June 29-July 2, Brisbane, Australia.
Roos, Inger (2007), “The Nature of Customer Support Service,” QUALITY IN SERVICES (QUIS 10), The 10th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Orlando USA, June 14-17, 2007.
Roos, Inger (2008), Conference on Qualitative Research Methods, 20-21 May, Hanken, Vaasa, Finland.
Roos, Inger, Margareta Friman and Bo Edvardsson (2008), “Emotions and Stability in Telecom-customer Relationships,” SERVSIG International Research Conference Liverpool, June 5-7.
Roos, Inger and Anders Gustafsson (2008), “Active and Passive Customers,” 17th Frontiers in Services, October 2-5, Washington, DC, USA.
Roos, Inger and Bo Edvardsson (2009), “Comparing Customer and Service Provider Perspectives of Customer Relationships – Implications for Value Perception,” The 11th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (Quis 11), June 11-14, 2009, Wolfsburg, Germany.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson, Bo Edvardsson and Peter Landmark (2010), “Should we Differentiate Between Business and Private Customers?,” 19th Annual Frontiers in Services, June 10-13, 2010, Karlstad, Sweden.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson, Bo Edvardsson and Anna Nelsson Etzell (2011), “SPAT (Switching Path Analysis Technique) - a Method to Understand Switching Paths and Future Behavior,” The 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (Quis 12), June 2-5, 2011,Ithaca, New York, USA.
Wägar, Karolina, Inger Roos, Annika Ravald och Bo Edvardsson (2011), “Extending Understanding of Customer Relationship Stability: The Concept of The Blind Spot in Service Research,” 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (Quis 12), June 2-5, 2011,Ithaca, New York, USA.
Selos Erno, Teemu Laine, Lauri Pitkänen, Petri Suomala and Inger Roos (2012), ”Active/passive Customer Behavior in the Business-to-business Supplier Switches: Extending SPAT to B-to-B Context,” SERVSIG International Research Conference Hanken Helsinki, Finland, June 7-9.
Roos, Inger, Martin Löfgren and Bo Edvardsson (2013), “Customer-support Service from a Relationship Perspective - Best Practice for Telecom", 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (Quis 12), June 10-13, Karlstad, Sweden.
3. Research reports and other books
Kock, Sören and Inger Roos (1995), “Total Perceived Service Quality - A Longitudinal Approach”, in Workshop on Quality Management in Services V, P.J. Both, A-M. Govaerts, H. Greve, A. Hooijmaijers, R. Pieters and M. van de Ven-Verhulp (Eds.) Tilburg (the Netherlands), May 11-12.
Roos, Inger (1998), Customer Switching Behavior in Retailing. Research reports No. 41, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland.
Roos, Inger (1999), Switching Paths in Customer Relationships. Publications of the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration No. 78. Helsinki: Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration.
Roos, Inger och Christian Grönroos (2000), “The Service Quality Path: A Longitudinal Service Quality Study with Implications for Image and Relationship Marketing”, in Service Quality in the New Economy: Interdisciplinary and International Dimensions. Ed. Edvardsson, B., S. W. Brown, R. Johnston and E. E. Scheuing. New York: ISQA, pp. 193-203.
Liljander, Veronica och Inger Roos (2000), ”Kunders förtroende för tjänsteföretag–svårt att uppnå men lätt att förlora?”, in Palvelut ja Asiakassuhteet-Markkinoinnin polttopisteessä. Ed. Grönroos, Christian och Raija Järvinen, Helsinki: Kauppakaari Oyj.
Edvardsson, Bo och Inger Roos (2000), ”Bytesprocesser och klagomålsbeteende-en studie av kundrelationer i ett telekommunikationsföretag”, in Palvelut ja Asiakassuhteet-Markkinoinnin polttopisteessä. Ed. Grönroos, Christian och Raija Järvinen, Helsinki: Kauppakaari Oyj.
Roos, Inger (2001), “Switching Path Analysis Technique: An Improvement on CIT”, in 2001 ServSIG Services Research Conference: New Horizons in Services Marketing’. Ed. Elliott, Greg and Jim Barnes, Chicago:AMA Proceedings Series 311 S. Wacker Drive.
Roos, Inger (2002), ”Segmentering av kunder i ett byteperspektiv”, in Marknadsföring i tjänsteekonomin, Ed. Echeverri, Per och Bo Edvardsson, Gylling: Naryana Press och Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson och Inger Roos (2002), “Understanding the Trigger Effect on Customers’ Maturity Processes in Telecommunications”, in Service Quality in Service: Crossing Boundaries. Ed. Tax, S, Ian Stuart, Stephen W. Brown, Bo Edvardsson, Robert Johnston and Eberhard E. Scheuing. Canada, Victoria: University of Victoria, Printing and Duplicating Services, pp. 256-265.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson and Bo Edvardsson (2004), “The Role of Customer Clubs in Telecom Relationships” in Service Excellence in Management: Interdisciplinary Contributions, Karlstad, Sweden, June 15-18. Ed. Edvardsson, B., A. Gustafsson, S. W. Brown and R. Johnston. Karlstad: Karlstad University Press: pp. 170-179.
Taylor, A. Gail, Lawrence Hamer and Inger Roos (2004), “Customer Reactions to Involuntary Switching”, in, Service Excellence in Management: Interdisciplinary Contributions. Ed. Edvardsson Bo, Anders Gustafsson, Stephen W. Brown and Robert Johnston, Karlstad, Sweden: Conference proceedings June 15-18, 2004, pp. 554-555.
Edvardsson, Bo, Anders Gustafsson and Inger Roos (2004) “Service Portrays and Service Constructions – A Critical Review Through the Lens of the Customer”, Frontiers in Services, October 28-31, Miami, USA.
Edvardsson, Bo, Margareta Friman and Inger Roos (2007) “Service Quality Grounded in Customer Experiences, Affect and Relationships”, Anniversary publication for Bernd Stauss.
Roos, Inger, Anders Gustafsson, Bo Edvardsson and Anna Nelsson Etzell (2011), “SPAT (Switching Path Analysis Technique) - a Method to Understand Switching Paths and Future Behavior”, in Advances in Service Quality, Innovation and Excellence. Ed. Bo van der Rheee, Liana Victorino, Ithaca, NY, USA: Conference proceedings June 2-5, 2011, pp. 866-875.
Roos, Inger (2012), ”Segmentering av kunder i ett bytesperspektiv”, in Marknadsföring i tjänsteekonomin, Ed. Echeverri, Per och Bo Edvardsson. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Roos, Inger (2017), ”Lojala kunder – Fånga potentialen mellan kundmötena” Stockholm: Liber.
4. Working papers
Roos, Inger (1996), “Customer Switching Behavior in Retailing,” Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland, Nr. 327 (1996), Serie C.
Roos, Inger and Tore Strandvik (1996), “Diagnosing the Termination of Customer Relationships,” Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland. Nr. 335 (1996), Serie C.
Roos, Inger (1998), ”Customer as the Companion,” Kehittyvä kauppa, No. 10/98, Marraskuu. Helsinki, Finland.
Roos, Inger (1998), “Customer Opinions into Organization Resources,” Handelsnytt, No. 5/1998, Årgång 53. Helsinki, Finland.
Roos, Inger (1999), “Involvement and Switching Behaviour,” Working Papers No. 392 Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland.
Roos, Inger (1999), “Switching Paths in Customer Relationships – Bytesstigar i Kundrelationer,” Aktuell Forskning, University of Karlstad, Sweden.
Roos, Inger (2000), “Kritiska händelser och kundrelationer – Critical Incidents and Customer Relationships,” Aktuell Forskning, University of Karlstad, Sweden.
Roos, Inger (2000), ”Kritisk händelse baserad metodutveckling – från CIT till CCIT,” Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland. Nr. 432 (2000), Serie C.
Roos, Inger (2001), ”Kritiska händelser och kundrelationer,” (Critical Incidents and Customer Relationships). Aktuell Forskning, University of Karlstad, Sweden, December 2000-April 2001.
Albertsson, Andreas, Mats Niklasson and Inger Roos (2004), ”Customer Mobility in the Telecom Market – Increased Understanding of Frequent Switching” (”Kundrörligheten på telekommarknaden – ökad förståelse för frekvent bytande”), Business Economics at the Service Research Center, Karlstad University, Sweden, Report No. 2, 2005.